Saturday, 9 January 2010


Lovely to see you looking so well!

Unfortunately, I have not been my ol' tip-top self of late, but that hasn't stopped me from RAoKing! Here's what I have done so far:

RAoK #1 - posting chocolate coins and Happy New Year messages to all my neighbours.
RAoK #2 - bought a random person a gift from their Amazon Wishlist.
RAoK #3 - including an extra special extra gift when sending out a parcel.
RAoK #4 - hugging everyone who works in my building (perhaps that's why I'm all ill...)
RAoK #5 - sending a letter of praise and some sweeties to the AA man who helped my silly friend when he got locked out of his car.
RAoK #6 - going into work on snow day when everyone else was out playing in the snow!
RAoK #7 - signing up to an online mentoring service.
RAoK #8 - donating to a JustGiving page.
RAoK #9 - sending an unexpected present to someone.

I hope not to take so long in updating next time :)

Happy RAoKing!

Vixie xx


  1. I like all of these - hugging people at work sounds really lovely too and hopefully spreads the love (if spreading the germs as well)


  2. A very good list, thanks for sharing.

  3. This blog is such a great idea.

  4. No.5, that is so lovely and the guy bet he though all his Christmas's had come at once.. you knid lady x


Ooooh, a comment? Why thank you!

Have a beautiful day!